Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hi, I'm Hannah and I'm vegetarian!: Life Lessons on Acceptance

I've been in a wonderful mood to change my life for the better lately! At first it was just making sure I was a 100% student, Community Advisor and friend, but I've widened it to include making life changes about myself.

So since the only meat I eat was Salami and Chicken, I decided that it's time for me to finally become my 13-year-old self. I made the rash decision to become vegetarian. (I guess it wasn't really rash because I've been debating in my mind for the past 7 years!)

And much like everything else, I am excited for it!!! It seems lately I have been becoming the adult my 13 year old self has always wanted me to become.

Here is the time for labels, and if you are a regular reader you would know how much I dislike confining myself to those labels. (Read more here about that.)

Pretty much when I was 13, I wanted to be a hippy. Yep, a hippy. I had these great dreams of going to Vassar University in New York and majoring in women's studies. I wanted to love all and not care what others thought of me. I wanted to be a vegetarian, listen to cool music, write poetry and fight for the rights of women. And you know what, I wanted to be single, too.

Of course, life happened and by the time I was 16, I was far from believing in those ideals. I was far from accomplishing those goals I had set out for myself. I had a boyfriend, I considered myself a pro-life conservative and I wanted to be a business professional. I don't know how I changed so drastically...but I did.

Then I went to college, I entered college as a conservative women with a controlling boyfriend and no opinion on anything. After the first 3 weeks of college, I had dropped the controlling boyfriend and the conservative views and never looked back. My first year of college was very difficult for me, but I enjoyed every minute of it. I lost 15 pounds, I started working out and I really gained a healthy image of my body.

It wasn't until last semester that I told my business major good-bye and entered the world of women's studies. Lately, through this blog and my classes, I have been redefining who I am and what I want in life. I still don't know what I want to do after I graduate. The future is so uncertain for me, but right now, I am concentrating on making this an amazing experience. I am concentrated in the now.

Although I am not going to the college of my dreams or fighting injustices everyday in my life. I know my time will come. But I know is that 13-year-old Hannah would be proud. Note: The reason why I share this is that I think it is important to yourself and others to share how you metamorphed in to feminism. No story is the same!!! Sharing why or how you found feminism is important, feel free to share in the comment section! I want to know! I'm curious!

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